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The singular agency

Where to wear a bag in Barcelona

los administrativos tramites siempre son complejos... ¿ by whom you are impezar?

Do you need to carry out a NIE?

EasyB simplifies your life with a cost-effective method.

Contact with our nosotros (Response quickly)
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 Quienes Somos

A human entry into the administrative jungle is possible!

AssholeEasyB, our main points are: efficiency, efficiency, responsiveness.

Small cosmopolitan team and expert in administrative management,

This is what we do to make our lives easier and simpler.

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“Habiendo estado a day in your situation,

We must anticipate what will last your life but will be pleasant and pleasant”

un peu de nous

New Services

NIE, registration with the Social Security, shelter a bank account

o any other service in Barcelona,

¡ EasyB will wait for a timevalioso!

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Cada día

home Sweet Home

Affiliation to Social Security

Tarjeta de la Cat Salut


Registro en una Mutua Privada Española

NIE  Extranjeros Identification Number (required for all

installation steps)

Shelter a banking bank

Canje y/o Matricula (Canje del permito de conductir y/o de la matricula)


Affiliation to the autonomous regime (freelance)

The NIE is the number

de identificación para los extranjeros en España. It is essential for all administrative management and all aspects of life: sheltering a bank account, membership in Spanish social security, driving license, school registration for children, high telephone line, etc.


Registration on the property

Management of Suministros

Registries of electricity, gas,

water and internet

Accompanying the bus a pisooof a house

Accompanying the busa girlo house staff

Small DIY jobs
(Fontanería, painting...)

Furniture assembly

Receipt and delivery of packages



Gardening and maintenance


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Contact with our nosotros



​+34 652 620 607



Moons - Viernes: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.


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